Artists' Residencies
Acquired through 35 years of experience in the field of artistic and monumental intervention in the public space, Compagnie Off has developed specific artistic, technical and administrative skills.
Since 2015, Compagnie Off has offered Point H^UT the opportunity to host companies and artists in residence for creative stages that sometimes give rise to moments of restitution, providing spaces, equipment and accommodation. In 2022, Compagnie Off welcomed 12 companies (structures or artists) for a total of 86 days of residency and 7 artistic collaborations at Point H^UT.
For more information about our residences, please contact us at or Caroline at
Philippe Freslon - Artistic Director
Caroline Forestier - Creative Assistant and Production Manager :
Carole Bonetti - Administrator :
Diane Sagard - Distribution Manager :
Anne-Gaël Le Floch - Accountant

20 Rue des Grands Mortiers,
37700 Saint-Pierre-des-Corps
The Compagnie Off is a non-profit association (law 1901)
Board members:
Matthieu Thouvenin, President
François Vignale, Treasurer
Emmanuel Lecerf, Secretary
Compagnie Off is supported by the City of Tours, the Centre-Val de Loire Region, FONPEPS and ADAMI (France). OURS, banquise à la dérive/ Bear,banquise adrift ice floes receives creative support from Ateliers Frappaz. National Center of street performing arts in public spaces, Villeurbanne.